2025 Intensive Sign Up Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.This form should be filled out if you are interested in a PT or OT intensive at Move Pediatric Therapy. Move Pediatric Therapy is located in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. Please read this information carefully before filling out the form. Filling out this form does not guarantee that you will get an intensive spot in 2025 but we will do everything we can to see as many children as possible. Priority will be given to those wishing to book both an OT and a PT intensive. The intensives do not need to be completed on the same week. Pricing for our 2025 intensives are as follows PT 5 total hours $1000, PT 10 total hours $2000, OT 5 total hours $800, OT 10 total hours $1600. Three week intensives are also available by request. Deposits are due 3 weeks after you receive your confirmation email. Deposits are non refundable but if you must cancel and there is space later in the year your deposit can be used towards another intensive session (this will be assessed on a case by case basis). Thank you for your interest in Move Pediatric Therapy's intensive program! *I have read and understand the information aboveChild's Name *FirstLastChild's Date of Birth * month per year Child's Primary Diagnosis *Parent/Guardian Name(s) *Parent/Guardian Email *Parent/Guardian Phone Number *Interested In (click all that apply) *1 week PT intensive1 week OT intensive2 week PT intensive2 week OT intensive3 week PT intensive3 week OT intensiveDuration of Therapy (click all that apply) *1 hour of PT per day1 hour of OT per day2 hours of PT per day2 hours of OT per dayIf you want 2 hours of total therapy per day (OT or PT) please pick your preference (preferences are not guaranteed)I prefer 2 hours of therapy back to backPlease split up the sessions so that my child has a break in-betweenI don’t have a preferencePreferred Week(s) of the Intensive (may list multiple options, please list your first preference at the top) If you do not have a specific week(s) in mind please indicate your preferred month for an intensive *Preferred Time of Day (timing not guaranteed)ampmI don’t have a preferenceIs there anything else you'd like us to know about your child?I understand the following statements (all boxes must be checked to be considered for a 2025 intensive spot)submitting this form does not guarantee that I will receive an intensive spot for 2025a 50% deposit is due within 3 weeks of receiving a confirmation email from Move Pediatric Therapyif my preferred week is already taken I will be offered an intensive spot on a different weekpriority will be given to those wanting to schedule PT and OT intensives for ease of schedulingSubmit Share this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading...